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The Polymer App Toolbox is a collection of components, tools and templates for building Progressive Web Apps with Polymer.

Follow the instructions below to install, build, and deploy a project using an App Toolbox template in less than 15 minutes.

  1. Install an active LTS version of Node.js (4.x or 6.x). The current version (7.x) should work, but is not officially supported.

  2. If you don't have bower installed, install it

     npm install -g bower
  3. Install the Polymer CLI

    npm install -g polymer-cli
  1. Create a new project folder to start from

     mkdir my-app
     cd my-app
  2. Initialize your project with an app template

     polymer init starter-kit

The App Toolbox templates do not require any build steps to get started developing. You can serve the application using the Polymer CLI, and file changes you make will be immediately visible by refreshing your browser.

polymer serve --open

The task above automatically opens up your default web browser and fetches the locally-hosted application (at http://localhost:8080).

App Toolbox: Starter Kit Template

Your app template does not contain any version control system. Follow the instructions below if you want to manage your source code with Git.

  1. cd into the base directory of your project.

  2. Initialize a Git repository.

    git init
  3. Add and commit all of the files.

    git add . && git commit -m "Initial commit."

The diagram below is a brief summary of the directories within the template.

  • index.html is the main entry point into your application
  • src/ is where your application-specific custom elements will go
  • bower_components/ is where reusable custom elements and/or libraries fetched via bower will go
  • images/ is for static images
  • test/ is where you define tests for your web components.

Now that your App Toolbox template is up and running, learn how to add a new page of content, or how to deploy the app to the web.