You're viewing an older version of Polymer. Please see Polymer 2.0 for the latest.

Now that you've added a new view to your application, you can start building out the details of that view.

In the process, you'll likely want to turn to some off-the-shelf components, for example from the Polymer Element Catalog or community catalogs like

Bower is a front-end package manager which is the most common tool used for fetching and managing web components.

Ensure it is installed by running the following command:

npm install -g bower

Once you've identified a component you'd like to install, you'll want to find the bower package name for the component.

In this step, you'll add Polymer's <paper-slider> element to your app, which is listed in the Polymer Element Catalog here. You'll find its bower install command on the left hand side of that screen.

Run this command from your project root directory:

bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-slider
  1. Open src/my-new-view.html in a text editor.

  2. Import paper-slider.html as a dependency

    Add this import beneath the existing import for polymer.html:

    <link rel="import" href="../bower_components/paper-slider/paper-slider.html">
  3. Add the <paper-slider> element to the template for the element.

    <paper-slider min="-100" max="100" value="50"></paper-slider>

    You can add it under the <h1> you added in the previous step. Your new template should look like this:

    <!-- Defines the element's style and local DOM -->
        :host {
          display: block;
          padding: 16px;
      <h1>New view</h1>
      <paper-slider min="-100" max="100" value="50"></paper-slider>

You should be able to see the paper-slider working in your new view now: http://localhost:8080/new-view.

Example of page with slider

Now that you've added a 3rd-party component to your page, learn how to deploy the app to the web.