Now that you've added a new view to your application, you can start building out the details of that view.

In the process, you'll likely want to turn to some off-the-shelf components, for example from

Once you've identified a component you'd like to install, you'll want to find the bower package name for the component.

In this step, you'll add Polymer's <paper-checkbox> element to your app, which is listed on You can use Bower to install it.

Run this command from your project root directory:

bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-checkbox
  1. Open src/my-new-view.html in a text editor.

  2. Import paper-checkbox.html as a dependency.

    Add this import beneath the existing import for polymer-element.html:

    <link rel="import" href="../bower_components/paper-checkbox/paper-checkbox.html">
  3. Add the <paper-checkbox> element to the template for the element.

    <paper-checkbox>Ready to deploy!</paper-checkbox>

    You can add it under the <h1> you added in the previous step. Your new template should look like this:

    <!-- Defines the element's style and local DOM -->
        :host {
          display: block;
          padding: 16px;
      <h1>New view</h1>
      <paper-checkbox>Ready to deploy!</paper-checkbox>

You should be able to see the paper-checkbox working in your new view now:

Example of page with checkbox

Now that you've added a 3rd-party component to your page, learn how to deploy the app to the web.